egroup has just been notified that a vegetable garden we proposed will be funded by the City of Buffalo! Through the 2022 Love Your Block grant program, we supported a grant application that would allow for the construction of a community garden. For the grant to be fully successful, we will need your support. We hope to provide fresh vegetables like greens and onions for cooking nutritious meals, and we have the commitments of experienced builders, gardeners and residents to supply the labor and water, but we need your help. Beds will be above ground, and surrounded by wildflowers. As a volunteer on our team, you will be able to stroll through the garden, relax in the shade, pull a few weeds from the above ground beds, and leave with a harvest of your own vegetables to eat for dinner. We need to show the city that we east side residents appreciate and need this kind of garden. Please click here right now to show your support! Tom – Principal Scientist, egroup