Thomas J.
Morahan. P.G.

Principal Scientist & CEO
egroup / nygeology
Geology, Chemistry, EHS Affairs and Sustainability

Tom, a Rutgers graduate, is an internationally-recognized expert in environmental, health, safety (EHS) and sustainability affairs. As a professional earth scientist, he is registered to practice as a Professional Geologist in several states and has testified in the fields of geology, hydrogeology, chemistry and geochemistry as an expert including in federal court. In addition to specializing in environmental site investigation and characterization, Tom has led large teams of consultants in conducting international EHS and sustainability projects for some of the the largest US multinational corporations. Along with his science degrees, he eventually obtained a master’s in technology and helped lead the development of the first internet-hosted EHS management system to reach the market, authoring the book on the subject, as well as co-founding the ASTM Environmental Assessment Committee and co-writing some of the industry standards in use today. After helping to build several successful EHS consultancies that were acquired by larger national and international consulting firms, Tom volunteers at egroup to advise graduating students taking on training and projects to jumpstart their careers in the earth and environmental sciences.


Kew Royal Botanical Gardens
Environmental Sciences, Chemistry and Life Sciences

Alex is one of the first of our egroup student alumni. Alex holds a BA in Biology from the University at Buffalo and an MS in Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, Diversity, and Conservation from Queen Mary University, London, UK. She is currently studying plants and fungi at the Kew Royal Botanical Gardens in London, UK. Prior to her graduation at UB, she acted as an Associate coordinating community public comments for the American Axle Brownfield site redevelopment effort, as well as performing an Environmental Site Assessment in support of the Battaglia dumpsite land trust site closure and sentencing hearing. Alex attended the University at Buffalo (UB) under a four-year academic Presidential Scholarship. At UB, she was recognized as an Honors College Member, Biological Sciences Department Honors Member and an Environmental Leadership Fellow and received a Certificate of Excellence in Research from UB. During college, she worked as a Research Assistant in the Biomaterials Laboratory and joined the Doctors without Borders Global Medical Brigade in Honduras.  Alex’s skills include DNA and RNA extraction, spectroscopy, microscope analysis, environmental sample analysis, proposal writing, community relations and apiary management.

Marquart, PMP

Vice President
SUSTAINABILITY, Water, Chemistry, AND EHS compliance

Jen, a graduate of the University at Buffalo, is currently Vice President at egroup. Prior to graduation from the University at Buffalo, she worked as an intern with Tom at a major international consulting firm learning the various aspects of the environmental business and helping on a variety of environmental projects. After completing her undergraduate degree in Chemistry, Jen worked for various national environmental analytical laboratories before moving into environmental compliance and eventually becoming an expert in water issues, particularly in the water-challenged areas of southern California. Her consulting background includes experience as an Environmental Compliance Manager specializing in Environmental Regulations, Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Auditing, Project Management, Sustainability, Strategic Planning & Management, Environmental Chemistry, and Environmental Education & Training. Jen has extensive experience in coordinating water purveyors’ and municipal environmental compliance programs, water & wastewater treatment, and NPDES compliance including industrial, construction, and municipal stormwater permitting, as well as watershed management, TMDL and NPDES field programs..